The first post :: 16 hours ago

Ok, so this blog is a little shaky to start with, but I have big plans and a to-do list as long as my arm. So far the archive, the permalinks and the comments all work (it is also looking rather pretty). Next on the list is a separate style sheet and navigation with extra blog-like options such as a 'blog roll', and other random stuff. So there is plenty for me to be getting on with.

The motivation behind me setting this thing up (which I have been meaning to do since January) is primarily that I am moving to Germany to work for 12 months on the 31st of June this year. Having never moved more than about an hour and a half away from home and not speaking German, this is quite a big step for me.

Other than this I also intend to further develop my technical skills in various areas such as CSS, PHP, Python and Lisp. So this blog will be partly aimed at friends and family who want to see how / if I am surviving, but also to develop my writing skills and to document my technical development.

So there you have it, the first entry on my blog.

Tuesday 10th June :: 12:36 am (GMT) :: comments (0) | Comment on this

And now, a quote: The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected. [Swedish Proverb]